COVID Claims We Need to Talk About: Does Ivermectin Cure COVID?

As we all know, when the global pandemic began, we didn’t have any treatments or vaccines for COVID-19, which made us desperate to find a way to protect everyone. When early lab studies showed that ivermectin inhibited the virus from replicating in a test tube, this naturally created a lot of buzz. However, doses used in lab studies were 50 to 100 times higher than what’s used in actual people! So…in real life, does Ivermectin actually work for COVID-19? Let’s get into it.

Want to test your knowledge and learn more about COVID-19 vaccines? Here’s the link to the “Know It Or Not” game by Digital Public Square…Try it today!

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The causes behind long-COVID, viral-reservoirs, and the tricky business of matching boosters to current sub-variants in Canada


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